Brand Your Vision

The branding course to attract your dream clients, and create a business you're proud to show off.


Get Noticed in Today's Busy Online World.

owner of In Flow Design Co.

Kristin Richards



You know how important it is to bring in clients on the regular to fuel your business and build your dream. 

But the online space can be a daunting world sometimes.

It’s so easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others and second guessing ourselves. 

You have this vision in your head, but then how do you translate that into a brand - without just blending into the crowd or looking like a total DIY job?


Totally overthinking your business concept which is making you push that launch date further and further away.

Feeling self conscious about how your business looks because you’re totally winging the design side of things (hello, not a designer over here!).

Totally frozen when it comes to TALKING about your business. You’re trying to convey everything from A-Z and it’s just not coming through clearly.

Feeling pressured to offer everything you know how to do and serve anyone who needs your help because you’re scared to turn down any potential business

Frustrated by the lack of interest your business is getting and starting to wonder if this is all even worth it.

No matter if you’re launching a new business or still in those earlier years, you may be:

If you’re saying “UGH that’s me” to any of this then you're in luck...

You deserve to be taken seriously in your industry - and to look good doing it too.

FINALLY find clarity with the core foundations of your business and your direction.

Be reassured in your business concept because you can now quickly and easily communicate who you are, what you do and who you serve.

Feel so proud when showing off your business because you are looking o-so professional.

See higher engagements with your biz because your confidence is up and it shows.

Wouldn’t it be so much better to instead:

This is what leads to doing what you love full-time and building that dream lifestyle & online business of yours. 


And the more potential clients you have discovering you and paying attention to you = more booked clients, more business income, and more freedom to be that badass online CEO you dream of being. 

Intentional branding helps you attract your dream clients visually and creates a connection with them so they feel comfortable enough to take action.

here's something you must know:

hey I'm kristin

The founder of In Flow Design Co., who's here to help you level up your visual game online.

I'm a previous art director turned design agency owner who's been making pretty things since my artist mother could get me to hold a crayon.

At In Flow we've worked with over 180 women around the globe designing beautiful brands and websites that stand out and attract their clients.

Creating an intentional brand from the get-go has allowed Girlboss designer to:

Surpass $10k months in the first year
Attract our dream clients on repeat
Quickly become an authority in our industry

Now it's your turn!

My Intentional Branding Framework

No. 1 - Clarity

No. 2 - Connection

No. 3 - Conscious Design

Know exactly who you are, what you do, who you serve and why - and how to clearly communicate this.

Know your ideal clients deeply - their struggles and desires - so you can create a bond with them and allow to feel heard and understood.

 Make conscious visual design choices for your business that draw the right clients in and spark their interest to learn more.

Ready to bring this into your own business? Let's do it!

Brand Your Vision

The branding course to help you stand out from the crowd, attract your dream clients, and create a business you're proud to show off.




Before you start creating anything visual for your business we have to make sure you’re crystal clear on your brand’s foundation. Whether you're outlining this for the first time or diving deeper than you have in the past, this will become like your brand's bible!


Who you are and your niche market.

Your Foundations for an Authentic & Stand-Out Brand

module 1


All modules are designed to build upon one another, making the process even easier for you to digest & implement along the way.

Define who you are as a business & what your values are.

Learn how to say "what you do" in a way thats clear, exciting AND that makes you stand out against the competition.

Get extra personal with defining your ideal client and knowing their wants, dreams and struggles.

No matter what your creative skill level is, I'm going to guide you through the visual process so you can look like you hired a professional.


Selecting your color palette, photo style & brand fonts

Look Like the Professional that You Are

module 2

Select your brand's color palette based on color psychology so you can create the FEELING you want your business to have. 

Choose from a library of color combos selected by me! Choose one palette or mix and match to get that designer look.

Discover your photo style and get direction on whether to go with stock photos or put together a brand photoshoot.

Select your business's brand fonts from a library of my go-to fonts so you can choose them wisely based on the vibe you're going for.

No need for fancy design programs here! I'll show you how to create a simple, professional logo in Canva + your circular stamp design.


Designing your logo and stamp design in Canva

The Icing on the Cake... Let's Create Your LOGO!

module 3

Create your logo using my designer font library & go-to logo layouts.

If you choose to have a symbol in your logo you can follow my guidance for choosing one easily.

Create your circular style logo from a library of designer layouts.

Create logo profile pictures for your social media pages.


Brand Your Vision



In Brand Your Vision you're getting access to...

Video Trainings for All Lessons to Guide You Through the Process

Downloadable Slides from All Training for Easy Referencing

Digital and Printable Workbooks and Cheatsheets

Designer Approved Color Library for Choosing Brand Colors

Designer Approved Font Library for Choosing Brand Fonts

Logo Creation Video Tutorials in Canva (no fancy programs needed!)

"The biggest takeaway throughout the course is peace of mind. For me was the peace I received knowing that I was not crazy, my vision was in my brain and my heart and the course helped me get it out. It is possible to get to the root of your passion. It is possible to get to the root of your vision with the Brand your Vision Course.

 Your message, the psychology around color, the way your web and your content can make your potential clients feel. You have to do the work, you have to dedicate your time and willingness to work it all out and this course helps you do it. I think that this course should be a requirement for anyone who wants a website to represent their true self or their true vision."

– LISA F, Brand Your Vision student

"I think that this course should be a requirement for anyone who wants to represent their true self or their true vision."

FIND Clarity

BUILD Connection

CREATE Conscious Design

Know exactly who you are, what you do, who you serve and why - and how to clearly communicate this.

Know your ideal clients deeply - their struggles and desires - so you can create a bond with them and allow to feel heard and understood.

 Make intentional visual design choices for your business that draw the right clients in and spark their interest to learn more.


What they're saying about the course...

Brand Your Vision is for you if you're wanting to...

If you said YES to many of the above, I cannot wait to see you inside Brand Your Vision!

Stop THINKING about creating your online business and actually turn your vision & dreams into reality.

Skip the overwhelm and confusion of trying to DIY the foundation of your business with zero guidance.

Stand out in in the market with a business that is truly unique to you and connects with your ideal client.

Show off your beautiful brand that'll be looking so good they'll think you hired a professional to design it.

Be taken seriously in your industry from the moment you launch your business to the world.



Direct Access to Me

Connect Live!

Join me on Live Calls to answer any questions, offer feedback and further guide you through the process.


Canva Templates

for Branding

Mood Board Canva Template
Brand Style Guide Canva Template


Style Your Instagram

Mini Course

Create an Instagram feed that is on-brand, visually beautiful, and business savvy.


By the end of Brand Your Vision you will have:

Discovered your unique niche market so you can be a big fish in a small pond - instead of a tinnnyyy little fish in a massive pond.

Found a deeper understanding of who your ideal clients is and gotten to know their desires, needs, frustrations, struggles and dreams.

Found confidence in talking about "what you do" in a way that is clear AND exciting!

Chosen your brand color palette using my designer-approved color library and using color psychology.


Chosen your brand fonts with my designer-approved font library. They can set the tone to make your biz feel luxe, casual, mature, youthful or any of the other vibes you're after.

Found your imagery style so you brand photos can give off the vibe you want and feel cohesive.

Create a professional looking logo in Canva instead of completely obsessing over this step and never moving past it.